Contests & Sweepstakes | Folly Jazz Series
Win a Meet & Greet with Cyrille Aimée!
Want a chance to meet our next Jazz Series performer, Cyrille Aimée?
Well here is your chance!

Each ticket purchased is entered into a drawing to win a Meet & Greet before the show with Cyrille Aimée! Cyrille has been touted as a fun personality that not only performs gypsy jazz but also gives lectures at events like TedTalks regarding life and improvisation.
The drawing will be held on February 13th! That means you need to make sure to purchase your ticket by Midnight on February 12th to be entered in the drawing. We'll contact you Tuesday, February 13th via phone and/or email to let you know the next steps!
[su_button url="" style="3d" background="#d83f28" center="yes"]Buy Your Tickets Today![/su_button]
Want to learn more about Cyrille Aimée? Visit her website or check out the YouTube Playlist we made of our favorite Cyrille Videos!