Folly Theater News | Volunteers

The Folly Mourns the Passing of Larry Butcher

Larry D. Butcher passed away on Monday, July 20th at the age of 76. Larry was very dear the Grand Lady of Twelfth Street. From the late 1970's to the late 1990's, Larry was the House Manager for almost every show during that time at Folly. He worked several of the fundraising performances that occurred prior to the Folly reopening. Larry was also responsible for training hundreds of new ushers and volunteers as they joined the Folly.

Many shared that Larry treated the Folly Theater as the gem that she is and saw it as an important institution. He would often work a full day as a teacher for the Shawnee Mission School District and then head right over to the Folly to work and train volunteers.

We're saddened by the loss of this amazing person with a heart for the arts. You can learn more about Larry and read his full obituary at